Market is available with 12 homepages layouts and 5 modern color styles that you can easily change in the back-end, or you can freely customize them as your own ideas. Let’s start to explore this awesome theme and feel it more now!
- 2021's Best Marketplace Multi Vendor OpenCart Themes
- 2021's Top OpenCart 3 Themes
- Best Gaming OpenCart Themes in 2021

Full Feature List
- Compatible with IE9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome
- QuickView Pro
- Countdown Popup
- Quick Tool Module
- OnePage Checkout
- Hot Deals Module Ready
- Livechat Messenger Module support
- Latest Blog Support
- One-Click import Data
- Filter Shoby Pro
- Search pro
- Mega Menu support
- Social Networks integration
- Responsive layout for all devices
- Allow to set site title, tagline, logo and Analytics ID
- Support menu with Mega
- Boxed and Wide layouts
- Cloud zoom option for product Images
- Multiple Language support
- Back to top button
- 5 preset Color Styles: Orange, Green, Cyan, Boocdo and Blue
- Fully integrated with Font Awesome Icon
- Support to add custom CSS/JS
- Social Networks integration
- CSS3 table-less design
- LESS for advanced development
- Custom page: about us, contact us…
Market Theme Package
Use this package to install to your current site
PSD Sources
All PSD design themes
Detailed Documentation
Provide all detailed steps to configure theme
Change Log
------------ VERSION - 1.3.2: Release on October-19-2017 ------------ - [Fixbugs] - product page: Error Click to Gallery product
------------ VERSION - 1.3.2: Release on August-15-2017 ------------ - Update Module SO_Social_login v1.0.1 - Update Module SO_Onepagecheckout v1.0.3 - Update Module so_filtershopby v2.1.2 - Fix error type_layout in admin (so basic product, so extra slider, so listing tabs, so html) - Fix bug on the shopping cart page on the mobile, when click Get Quote, the popup is not shown. - Remove Show Headerin Admin area of So Search Pro Module - Fix Error http fixed - Edit link "mproduct" into "product" in admin/menu
------------ VERSION - 1.3.1: Release on July-08-2017 ------------ 1. Add module So Tools 2. Add module Mobile Layout 3. Fix bugs: - On Mobile version: in the product page, going to the main image, the scroll-down doesn't work. - Error Popup So Social Login don't have Forgot Password link - [THEME] Theme config support influentially on Arabic - SO Page Builder: Permission error - Mod search pro -> remove tab show header - soconfig.ocmod.xml Error add version theme - update fiter shoppy - Mobile version: checkout page is error when product name is long
------------ VERSION - 1.3.1: Release on July-04-2017 ------------ 1. Add module So Tools 2. Add module Mobile Layout 3. Fix bugs: - Error Popup So Social Login: there is no link Forgot Password - [THEME] Themeconfig support not good on Arabic - SO Page Builder: error permission when editing - Mod search pro -> remove the param show header - soconfig.ocmod.xml Error add version theme - update fiter shopby
------------ VERSION - 1.3.0: Release on Jun-27-2017 ------------ [+] Added 4 extra homepage layouts
------------ VERSION - 1.2.2: Release on April-18-2017 ------------ [+] Simple Blog: white page when creating category [+] Error Popup So Social Login: Miss Forgot Password link [+] Mobile Device: can't scroll down the main image in product page [+] So Themes Config: do not display theme config when default admin language is not English [+] Error Simple blog when clicking on author link [+] So Theme Config: compile CSS error. [+] Updated So Onepage Checkout
------------ VERSION - 1.2.1: Release on Mar-22-2017 ------------ [+] Added 4 extra homepage layouts [+] Added So Social Login module allowing to login via social networks [+] Compatible with One Page Checkout
------------ VERSION - 1.2.0: Release on Mar-03-2017 ------------ [+] Fixed : Check fix code HTTP / Module so_listing_tab
------------ VERSION - 1.2.0 - Release on Feb-18-2017------------ - Added So Social Login module allowing to login via social networks - Defined $countdown_title in soconfig\countdown.php - Fixed: Tooltip text remain when click add to cart/wishlist/compare - Fixed: Setting So Themeconfig -> Product Zoom = off - Fixed: Setting So Themeconfig -> Custom css and js = enable - Fixed: Check fix code HTTP / Module so_listing_tab
------------ VERSION - 1.1.0 - Release on Jan-20-2017------------ + Added file to allow users to translate to their language
------------ VERSION - 1.1.0 - Release on Jan-19-2017------------ + Upgraded to OpenCart 2.3
------------ VERSION - 1.0.7 - Release on Jan-10-2017 ----------- + Fixed bug: Fatal error: Call to a member function getLayout() file general.php
------------ VERSION - 1.0.6- Updated: Release on Jan-16-2016 ----------- + Reduced the distance between the top and bottom of Box Menu on CSS Menu + Fixed bug: Not automatically update the number of products when add to cart + Fixed bug: In simple blog admin, only displayed in English, if change other language, it will show in "?" form.
------------ VERSION - 1.0.6: Release on Jan-14-2016 ----------- + Added: Theme Control Panel -> Option Lazy Loader to product + Added: Theme Control Panel -> TOP PANEL : Keep Header scroll top - Fixed: Show captcha on registration page - Fixed: Enabling Maintenance Mode in OpenCart - Fixed: Error Show quickview on so_listing_tabs - Fixed: Layout Style = boxed : not show background images - Fixed: Add to wishlist products
------------ VERSION - 1.0.5-UPDATED: Release on Dec-07-2015 ----------- - Fixed bug: Notice undefined index cart_id in layout2 and layout3 - Supported for OpenCart 2.0.x and 2.1.x
------------ VERSION - 1.0.5: Release on Nov-26-2015 ----------- - Fixed: Notice: Undefined variable: analytics (default/template/common/header.tpl ) - Fixed : Show col left,right on home page. - Fixed : create new item on megamenu. - Fixed : Has no item to show! error on layout home page. - Fixed : Install a OpenCart theme, run the auto-installer sample data (install.sql) - Fixed : Notice: Error: Could not load model /admin/model/sale/customer_group.php - Supported to update from version 1.0.3 to 1.0.5 - Supported to update from version 1.0.4 to 1.0.5
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4-UPDATED2: Release on Nov-24-2015 ----------- - Fixed syntax error, unexpected '[' if so_megamenu.php
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4-UPDATED1: Release on Nov-22-2015 ----------- - Supported to update from version 1.0.3 to 1.0.4
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Release on Nov-19-2015 ----------- - Fixed bug: Edit custom in OpenCart core (by using vqmod)
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3: Release on Nov-17-2015 ----------- - Added module: SO Mega Menu for mega menu and vertical mega menu displaying
------------ VERSION - 1.0.2: Release on Nov-07-2015 ----------- - Upgraded to OpenCart version
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1-UPDATED: Release on Nov-05-2015 ----------- - Fixed bug: warning cannot modify header infomation - header already (admin/language/english/module/soconfig.php) - Fixed bug: Parse error systax error, undexpected '[' in (catalog/view/theme/so-market/template/common/header.tpl) on 190
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1: Release on Oct-27-2015 ------------ + Added 4 About Us pages + Added FQA page + Added Pricing Tables page + Added Gallery page
------------ VERSION - 1.0.0: Release on Oct-14-2015 ------------ [+] Initial Release