SJ WaveNews is clean and professional looking
Responsive Joomla Template for general news, magazine, or any news portal website with huge content. With tons of customizable, it allows you easily manage your website.
news portal Joomla template is built on YT Framework v3 and many featured-rich modules. You are free to present content in whatever way you like. Let's explore this template and feel it more here!

Compatible with IE9+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
Support RTL / LTR language
Support Boxed, Wide, Framed and Rounded Layouts
Support responsive layout
Support Front-end Cpanel for changing Theme, Layout and Reset instantly
Support 5 Preset Color Styles: Blue, Red, Cyan, Orange and Pink
Support various Font Family as well as Google Fonts
Support many styles for RESPONSIVE Menu: Mega Menu and Moo Menu
Allow to set JavaScript for Menus, set start/end level and Keep on top
Allow to set site title, logo and slogan
Support many extensions
Typography and various module variations
Use Lazy Load for handling large images
HTML5 Validation
100% table-less design, based on CSS3
Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File
Allow to show OR hide Main Content, with options for showing image types
That's not all about this awesome Joomla template. There are many other cool features for you to explore. Let's take a look on it, you will love it at first sight.
Thanks for reading!