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Theme error yt plugin
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TOPIC: Theme error yt plugin

Theme error yt plugin 6 years, 10 months ago #34564

Hi i try at least with 3 diferents templates to use with virtuemart and i always get the following error

***** Please install YT plugin *****
**You may not be able to visit this page because of:**

1**An Out-Of-Date Bookmark/Favourite**
2**A Search Engine That Has An Out-Of-Date Listing For This Site**
3**A Mistyped Address**
4**You Have No Access To This Page**
5**The Requested Resource Was Not Found.**
6**An Error Has Occurred While Processing Your Request.**
**Please try one of the following pages:** **Home Page**

**If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site and report the error below.**.
***** Please install YT plugin *****
Call stack
# Function Location
1 JApplicationCms->execute() C:\wamp64\www\goodmoto_restore\index.php:49
2 JApplicationSite->render() C:\wamp64\www\goodmoto_restore\libraries\cms\application\cms.php:267
3 JApplicationCms->render() C:\wamp64\www\goodmoto_restore\libraries\cms\application\site.php:773
4 JDocumentHtml->parse() C:\wamp64\www\goodmoto_restore\libraries\cms\application\cms.php:1072
5 JDocumentHtml->_fetchTemplate() C:\wamp64\www\goodmoto_restore\libraries\joomla\document\html.php:455
6 JDocumentHtml->_loadTemplate() C:\wamp64\www\goodmoto_restore\libraries\joomla\document\html.php:640
7 require() C:\wamp64\www\goodmoto_restore\libraries\joomla\document\html.php:578
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Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License.
Last Edit: 6 years, 10 months ago by LUCIA.

Re: Theme error yt plugin 6 years, 10 months ago #34572


Please enable yt plugin in manage plugin YT Framework

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