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images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3
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TOPIC: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3

Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9509

  • SA Thuy
Dear thambi yousuf,

Please choose width and height in SJ Category module equal your size image, in your site, image is 150x100 => width is 150 and height is100


Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9542

pls check

scroll down to printers & inks category at the bottom

exactly did 150 x 100 correction, but the k2 character i think blows up the image.

even the blown up image you right click see image width and height is only 150 x 100, but what parameter is scaling up the image not able to understand in k2

hi thuy, followed your above instruction , worked quite long with this and figured out only theme 3 scales the images, but theme 2 is perfect and does not scale.
now my site is in theme 2
but theme 3 is so beautiful and cannot afford to neglect. the purpose of me going for the full extension membership is for theme 3 only.
pls see if any solution.
original k2 category images - 150px x 100px
all adjusted to above according to your instruction . theme 2 is perfect. theme 3 - images are scaling up to 313px dont know why
Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by thambi.

Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9558

  • SA Thuy
Dear thambi yousuf,

Please go to:, and find:
.sj_k2_categories .cat-wrap.theme2 .content-box img,
 .sj_k2_categories .cat-wrap.theme3 .content-box img,
 .sj_k2_categories .cat-wrap.theme4 img
    border: 1px solid transparent;
    width: 100%;

.sj_k2_categories .cat-wrap.theme2 .content-box img,
 .sj_k2_categories .cat-wrap.theme3 .content-box img, 
.sj_k2_categories .cat-wrap.theme4 img 
    border: 1px solid transparent;

Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by .

Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9571

did the editing in the code, never work out - still the same you can check

Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9577

  • SA Thuy
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Dear thambi yousuf,

I see that it displayed with original k2 category images. You should clear cache of browser and refresh the browser again.

Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by .

Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9602

yes, you are correct, sincerely a thousand apologies for that. did not come to my head at all.
only one request, trying to make it 4 x 3 , ie 4 boxes per row, only for the home page, so that the gap in between becomes narrow. all other pages ok
sincerely thanks a lot
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