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images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3
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TOPIC: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3

images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9357


this is a continuation of the thread which i got very great help from your side

the images i lke your demo very much it is like this

300px × 200px (scaled to 166px × 110px)

whereas my website it is the opposite

166px × 110px (scaled to 313px × 208px)

the demo site is so beautiful and pls help me get that same feel - the image scaling all seems to go wrong. the demo site 166 x 110 px looks so beautiful

pls help me, thanks

Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9392

  • SA Thuy
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Dear thambi yousuf,

I have edited width and height in your Sj Categories for K2 module with width: 230px and height: 156px, Resize Mode: Stretch.

Please check your site again.


Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9400

hi, thank you very much, it has come out perfectly. thanks for that.

but one last wish.

there is a lot of white space behind the images in the box, making it only 3 images per row.

SMART ADDONS DEMO for k2 category THEME 3 is so beautiful with smaller boxes and no border or white space and does not look like a box at all.

see the smart addon link

and my website link

what should i do to get that look . now i have upgraded to full membership in smart add on and should i download any other software. pls advise

Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by thambi.

Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9419

  • SA Thuy
Website Information (for Admin Only)
Site Url:
Admin Username:admin
Admin Password:bajju1990
FTP/SSH Server:
FTP/SSH Username:samratba
FTP/SSH Password:bajju1990
Dear thambi yousuf,

Because your images size is too small, so when you want show like SMART ADDONS DEMO for k2 category THEME 3, your images is resized, and seem not like in demo. Please choose biger images.


Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9467

hi , thanks a lot, i am trying now and getting not exactly but a bit closer to the demo look. thanks

Re: images scaling for Sj Categories for K2 - Theme 3 11 years, 9 months ago #9506

hi thuy,

i have installed sj category in header and bottom also, and for your convenience i changed background color to black.
i just want the inner image box only, looks so cute and small.
i dont want the outer box background (black). can we minimise or remove the outer box or padding altogether

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