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How can I increase the title character limit in K2
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TOPIC: How can I increase the title character limit in K2

How can I increase the title character limit in K2 7 years, 9 months ago #32920

I notice that the title characters breaks when viewed under the menu. How can this be increased?

Re: How can I increase the title character limit in K2 7 years, 9 months ago #32972

Dear nsuke.fegalo

Could you please send us the screenshots so that we could have closer look on the issue.


Re: How can I increase the title character limit in K2 7 years, 4 months ago #34602

I have the same problem.
Why do not you answer and put the solution for everyone to see?
This happens in several templates with K2.
What I'm using is Urline and it has the same problem.
Follows attached.
Last Edit: 7 years, 4 months ago by marciacavalc. Reason: I can not send the attachment. The field does not load the image - jpg with 86 k

Re: How can I increase the title character limit in K2 7 years, 4 months ago #34609

Dear marciacavalc

Please use to send the image link to check it

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