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k2 content module not working
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TOPIC: k2 content module not working

k2 content module not working 7 years, 10 months ago #32669

I'm upgrading an old Joomla 2.5/K2 site, I set up the Quick install package of SJ Financial III, everything looks ok. Then I migrate the K2 items from the old 2.5 Joomla installation using the extension SP Upgrade. In the process the sample k2 articles and categories are erase. So I get nothing in the fronpage but the headings of the modules, that´s Ok..

Then, I tried to change the modules configuration so they retrieve the k2 items from the new categories but nothing is shown. I even try to make a new k2 content module, and configure it according to your setup guide, but still get nothing!

Your help will be appreciated.

Re: k2 content module not working 7 years, 10 months ago #32671

I finally found the answer for anyone that needs it in the future. Here it is:

In my case the items and categories tables in the Joomla 3 database appear with access = 2, just ran the sql in phpAdmin:

UPDATE `#__k2_categories` SET `access` =1;
UPDATE `#__k2_items` SET `access` =1;

And now everything is working fine.
Last Edit: 7 years, 10 months ago by eguerrerop.
The following user(s) said Thank You: anhqn

Re: k2 content module not working 7 years, 10 months ago #32677

Dear eguerrerop

Thanks for your solution.

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