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Sj Contact Ajax - Map & Google My business
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TOPIC: Sj Contact Ajax - Map & Google My business

Sj Contact Ajax - Map & Google My business 7 years ago #33850


I've been using Sj Stabwall template for a year now and I'm triying to do something very simple but can't figure out how.

I have the sj_contact_ajax module showing at my bottom2 position and until now i had my coordinates on the map. but now I'd like to show my Google My business page.therefore i did some editing on the module and on the Maps tab changed the select from "Coordinates" to "Adress" and set my Address text to: "Name of the company, City, country", but the module still shows the coordinates.

Is there any way to integrate with Google my business?

How is the information on the map marker added?

Thanks & regards,
Last Edit: 7 years ago by Nicolai_Petrova.

Re: Sj Contact Ajax - Map & Google My business 7 years ago #33881

Dear Nicolai_Petrova

We're sorry late. Your account Expired, please extend support here or renew your club to get support.
also you can refer:
then embed your Google business directly in html\mod_sj_contact_ajax\default.php


Re: Sj Contact Ajax - Map & Google My business 6 years, 11 months ago #34361

Hello again!

I've tried to add directly the Google Maps at:




But it has no effect on my website, it seems that the html code is generated from another .php file, because when i inspect the front end with the browser i see the old html structure,

I had problems to rebuild cache before with menus, but it doesnt seem a problem of the cache, since I tried this a week ago, also deleted caches several times and unplublished-published the module.

Re: Sj Contact Ajax - Map & Google My business 6 years, 11 months ago #34369

Dear Nicolai_Petrova

Please check the layout that you selected in our module / advanced tab
to sure the file that you edit is the layout selected in our module:


Re: Sj Contact Ajax - Map & Google My business 6 years, 11 months ago #34389

Thank you!

That was what I was missing.

Re: Sj Contact Ajax - Map & Google My business 6 years, 11 months ago #34402

Dear Nicolai_Petrova

Did you solve this issue? if no please send us the information of your site to check and fix directly?

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