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Images are dark until hover
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TOPIC: Images are dark until hover

Images are dark until hover 7 years, 2 months ago #34991

Hello - I'm evaluating whether I want to use the Veritymag template. If you look at the Smartaddons template at ->, the images in the main menu are shaded until you hover of the images. Can these images be shown without your feature, when you mouse over the images?

Re: Images are dark until hover 7 years, 2 months ago #35004

Dear netmail

please go to your css color file in templates/sj_veritymag/css/ and find: .meganew-wrap .meganew-box .item-image img {
opacity: 0.45;
filter: alpha(opacity=45);

=> then remove


Re: Images are dark until hover 7 years, 2 months ago #35041

Thank you for the reply. After digging into the template, there are several opacity settings that need to be reconfigured. I had hoped to find a general setting but, thanks you your assistance I've learned how to make the adjustments.

Re: Images are dark until hover 7 years, 2 months ago #35077

Dear netmail

Thanks you, if you have any the problem please contact us.

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