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TOPIC: category preload

category preload 4 years ago #41473

is there any way to select top category to have displayed products from all categories?

Re: category preload 4 years ago #41481

Use category=0 to show all products

Re: category preload 4 years ago #41485

How to do this?
Last Edit: 4 years ago by clibert. Reason: added photo

Re: category preload 4 years ago #41487

you should use version 3.4.2 virtuemart. mod for virtuemart not support for version 3.6.2.

Re: category preload 4 years ago #41490

I remember you help me to upgrade all components from SJ BeeStore to 3.6 version and said it can works with VirtueMart 3.8.4, so I have now VirtueMart 3.8.4 and it works.
But I can't set category=0 or leave it empty od set to "0".

Re: category preload 4 years ago #41496

All above modules has is a file in path : core\fields\sjvmcategories.php
So you need to simply change (near line 46 ):

if (!class_exists('VmModel')) {
if (defined('JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR') && file_exists(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . '/helpers/vmmodel.php')) {
require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . '/helpers/vmmodel.php';
} else {
$this->error = 'Could not find VmModel helper';
return false;
and find
protected function getCategories()
comment code
//VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart', true);

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