Hi, since no answer on the first topic and after 2 tickets - without any answer of course - I am trying to post it again here. The template has a lot of issues in the frontend category view. Product images appear with the crashed icon (for somehow the html path is images/nophoto.jpg). And the same happens when you try to use the filters, it loads the products but with no images. Beside that, while in localhost the SJ carousel works OK, but when upload the site online I get a white page with numbers 1.2.3. Thats crazy. I unpublished the module and the website works, except of the images of course. You can see what is happening here
www.angryparrot.gr/katsaros and select the menu TZAKIA. The only thing I can not accept is to have poor support or no support at all although we have paid for a subscription. Wait for a solution.