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empty white site after updateing yt framework from 1 to 2..2.3
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TOPIC: empty white site after updateing yt framework from 1 to 2..2.3

empty white site after updateing yt framework from 1 to 2..2.3 8 years, 4 months ago #29298

Dear sir,
problem 1:
I have updated Yt Framework from v 1 to v 2.2.3 as you instructed in the site(download and installing the plugin yt plugin and enabling it). unfortuanely after installation my home page shows an empty white page?! (I use the last version of joomla3)

problem 2:
when i install Dj Media Tools in joomla3-last version unfortuanely it doesnot work with yt framework, while i check it with other templates and it worked good!!!

Best Regards,

Re: empty white site after updateing yt framework from 1 to 2..2.3 8 years, 4 months ago #29302

  • thuyltt
Dear parseh511,
Our Yt framework with Sj charly template is version 2.2.3
Why did you need update Yt Framework from v 1 to v 2.2.3?
You can not update Yt Framework from v 1 to v 2.2.3, because they are very different, they will make error.

Where did you buy this template, I can not see your purchase, If you bought this template on Themeforest please submit ticket, we will check and fix this issue for you.


Re: empty white site after updateing yt framework from 1 to 2..2.3 8 years, 4 months ago #29306

Dear sir,

I have bought it from a company in Iran(They bought it from you maybe)...we can not buy from your website because of financial and economical sanctions against iran.
That version of SJ Charly use Yt Framework V 1 ...
If you can send me the new version of SJ Charly I will appreciate but if its noy possible for you, please answer my second question!
How can I use Dj Media Tools in SJ Charly ???
(the problem is: after installing and setting this component, the content could not be loaded and only loding icon is shown in webpage)

Best Regards,

Re: empty white site after updateing yt framework from 1 to 2..2.3 8 years, 4 months ago #29312

  • thuyltt
Dear parseh511,
Sorry for this inconvenience, but we can not support for you in this case, because you did buy this theme from us.
If you want to be supported please buy it in our site or Themeforest, we will continue to support for you.

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