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Event Countdown on K2-Content Module
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TOPIC: Event Countdown on K2-Content Module

Event Countdown on K2-Content Module 9 years, 1 month ago #26781

Like shown in the demo there should be an Event-Countdown in the "upcoming events" section. I configured the module like shown in the user-guide. +

I defined a extra-field with type date. What else i have to do to see this feature?

thanks in advance!

Re: Event Countdown on K2-Content Module 9 years, 1 month ago #26814

  • thuyltt
Dear sir,
Which module did you see this problem?
Please send me demo link and your site to check this problem.


Re: Event Countdown on K2-Content Module 9 years, 1 month ago #26834

The K2-Content Module with event style should contain the extra-fields of an article with an additional event countdown.

Like all the times before i fixed the error myself.

You should provide these informations to the user:

Which ID of extra fields are connected to which position in the event-item. How should you one how many and which order you have to create these fields ????

for example extra-field ID (not really id, its depending on the array position in the $metas array) 3 is connected to the time-of-event countdown.

After creating these fields in ran into errors with the K2_DATE_FORMAT. I fixed it within the "default.php" out of this folder:

I had to convert the date-string into 'd-m-Y' Format. Incoming DATE_FORMAT from extra-field editor was 'A, d/m/Y'

This is the second template i bought from smartaddons. It's a shame how many errors i have to fix myself in a commercial template.

I don't complain about fixing missing language support for german sites with K2 (i only have to extend the language.ini files). But the rest of it should be working out of the box...

2 out of 5 stars for this template...
1 out of 5 stars for the support...

I don't know how to use these templates without knowledge in customizing the php and html/css sources.

best regards

Last Edit: 9 years, 1 month ago by markovich.

Re: Event Countdown on K2-Content Module 9 years, 1 month ago #26839

  • thuyltt
Dear sir,
Please see the photo to config this module:
Language: Please send us some photos on this issue, we will fix for you.


Re: Event Countdown on K2-Content Module 9 years, 1 month ago #26843

thuyltt wrote:
Dear sir,
Please see the photo to config this module:

Thanks for the photos. Why is the 3rd one missing in the documentation ? I had to figure it out by taking a look into the source code...

If I choose Date for Date-Event the DATE_FORMAT is something like "Friday, 03/12/15" like mentioned in the language file of K2: K2_DATE_FORMAT_LC="%A, %d. %B %Y"
This will lead to an crash with "unknown characaters in time-zone string" or something like that...

I don't think my solution would be a good one to show in here (I fix formatted the DATE_FORMAT in the joomla other users will receive issues on updating joomla core).

Maybe this is a problem of K2-Content component. The component should be handling different DATE_FORMAT strings...

thuyltt wrote:
Dear sir,
Language: Please send us some photos on this issue, we will fix for you.

If you are using german language on this template, most of the K2-Strings are broken, so the placeholders like "K2_BE_THE_FIRST_TO_COMMENT" are visible. This is the simple case, because you only have to extend the english language file (en-GB.com_k2.ini) and therefore an K2-issue.

The other case is that even for english language the K2-String is wrong in your template and not found in the language files.
I don't documented these missing Strings. For other users:

If you don't want to change the strings directly in sj_charly template (update issues ...) you can fill in these ones to your en-GB.com_k2.ini (in this case in german language):

K2_VIEWS = "Besuche"
BE_THE_FIRST_TO_COMMENT="Schreiben Sie den ersten Kommentar!"
K2_THE_FIRST_TO_COMMENT="Schreiben Sie den ersten Kommentar!"
ME_K2_THE_FIRST_TO_COMMENT ="Schreiben Sie den ersten Kommentar!"
K2_BE_THE_FIRST_TO_COMMENT="Schreiben Sie den ersten Kommentar!"
BE_THE_FIRST_TO_COMMENT="Schreiben Sie den ersten Kommentar!"
K2_LEAVE_YOUR_COMMENT="Hinterlassen Sie ein Kommentar"
K2_ENTER_YOUR_MESSAGE="Geben Sie hier den Text ein"
K2_SUBMIT_YOUR_COMMENT="Kommentar absenden"
K2_ITEM_AUTHOR = "Autor"
K2_COMMENT_ITEM = "Kommentare zu diesem Artikel"
SITE_URL = "Website-URL (optional)"
MOD_LOGIN_ME ="Einloggen"
SIGN_UP = "Registrieren"
K2_COMMENTS = "Kommentare"
K2_COMMENT ="Kommentar"
ME_K2_VIEW_ITEMS = "Artikel anzeigen"

Re: Event Countdown on K2-Content Module 9 years, 1 month ago #26845

  • thuyltt
Dear markovich,
If you use german language, please download language package of K2:
Some module in our template, we only translate with english, you need copy language file, change to your language and translate text there.

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