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k2 content module not translated on the home page
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TOPIC: k2 content module not translated on the home page

k2 content module not translated on the home page 8 years, 1 month ago #31268

the k2 content module not translate to my language on the home page ,
but i see it translated on other pages .
eavent if i translate the english file , it will not tralslate .
i feel and think that there is aproblem on the home page that cause this issui .

words that not translated :
"writen by " , " Written on " , " read " , " time " , " tags " , .......etc .

Re: k2 content module not translated on the home page 8 years, 1 month ago #31289

Dear sofian10

You can find the text in /public_html/main/templates/sj_news_ii/html/mod_k2_content/sof/default.php
so you can copy this text to your language to translate.


Re: k2 content module not translated on the home page 8 years, 1 month ago #31291

please please ::
i said that i have it translated on other pages but on the home page not .

i have the text on the file and it is working on other pages but not on the home page .
i explained this on my first post .
and i said this :
eavent if i translate the english file , it will not tralslate (on home page) .

can you look at the issue in deep ??!
Last Edit: 8 years, 1 month ago by sofian10.

Re: k2 content module not translated on the home page 8 years, 1 month ago #31295

Dear sofian10

I could not found the cause of this issue now. You can check this issue with default joomla template. If you only use one the language you can edit the text directly in default.php of this module


Re: k2 content module not translated on the home page 8 years ago #31385

there is a strange thing :
if i put the k2 content module on the positions " topmain" or "bottommain" it will not translate ,
but if i put it on other positions it will translate !!!!!

please how to explain this ??

Last Edit: 8 years ago by sofian10.

Re: k2 content module not translated on the home page 8 years ago #31388

  • thuygtn
Dear sir,

Please check your module. I fixed it.

I changed /public_html/main/templates/sj_news_ii/html/mod_k2_content/sof/default.php with some word K2_ to JK2_

Example change to:

and add language word to the file: ar-AA.tpl_sj_news_ii.ini

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