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Disable On Mouse Over Zoom to Pictures
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TOPIC: Disable On Mouse Over Zoom to Pictures

Disable On Mouse Over Zoom to Pictures 9 years, 5 months ago #23400


I use "News II" template and I am looking for the way to disable image zoomify when mouse over.

Is any anyone have an idea about that?

Re: Disable On Mouse Over Zoom to Pictures 9 years, 4 months ago #23599

Did anyone find an answer to this?
I would ideally like the hover-zoom effect to only work on linked images - it's annoying having it do it on every image on the site.
Failing that turn it off all together.

Re: Disable On Mouse Over Zoom to Pictures 9 years, 4 months ago #23601

I have not solved the "issue" globally

A tricky solution I found is to use class="weather" something that works in some occassions but not always

Re: Disable On Mouse Over Zoom to Pictures 9 years, 2 months ago #23837

I would like a proper fix on this one as is very annoying.
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