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Shortcode problem on SJ TheDaily
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TOPIC: Shortcode problem on SJ TheDaily

Shortcode problem on SJ TheDaily 9 years, 3 months ago #26406


The shortcode plugin doesn't run properly on SJ The Daily Template.

Exemple 1 : the code on exemple Shortcode page is :
[yt_list_style type="arrow" color="#6b82a2" ] [yt_list_style_item] Add content here 1 [/yt_list_style_item] [yt_list_style_item] Add content here 2 [/yt_list_style_item] [yt_list_style_item] Add content here 3 [/yt_list_style_item] [/yt_list_style] 

These doesn't work. When I use the link at the bottom article the code became :
[list  type="arrow" color="#6b82a2"]

But the color of the texte stay black. Impossible to change the color. Some hour to try some code...

Second exemple which absolutly don't run :
[yt_box style="default" box_color="#5b2296" radius="0" title="Default Style" title_color="#ffffff" ]Cras sodales dui id est sagittis varius. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.[/yt_box] 

Don't run too with :
[box style="default"

Please, could you help me and resolve this ?

Re: Shortcode problem on SJ TheDaily 9 years, 2 months ago #26540

  • thuygtn
Dear natcaen,

Please submit ticket, and send your site account there, we will check your issue directly.

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