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SJ Extra Slide module won't open
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TOPIC: SJ Extra Slide module won't open

SJ Extra Slide module won't open 8 years, 2 months ago #30443

Modules for SJ Extra Slider for Ads Manage installed but will not open in the back end nor function properly. When you click on the module it displays this:
The same thing happens when I try and open SJ Ads Slideshow for AdsManager
down the bottom of the page it says:
Fatal error: Class 'AdsmanagerModelCategory' not found in /home/cbhatfield1/public_html/modules/mod_sj_adsm_slideshow/core/fields/sjadsmcategories.php on line 47

Re: SJ Extra Slide module won't open 8 years, 2 months ago #30455

Also, YT shortcodes will not update to latest version

Also, K2 and Jcomments do not appear in Components?
Last Edit: 8 years, 2 months ago by Hatters. Reason: update info

Re: SJ Extra Slide module won't open 8 years, 2 months ago #30464

  • usersmart1
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 1364
  • Karma: 20
Dear Hatters,

Please go to the file /modules/mod_sj_adsm_slideshow/core/fields/sjadsmcategories.php and find:
=> Edit to:


Thanks & regards!

Re: SJ Extra Slide module won't open 8 years, 2 months ago #30486

I did that and it has made no difference?
Here is what I changed it to as per your instruction
With error reporting on it did say the error was on line 47
I have turned error reporting off and that also made no difference?

Re: SJ Extra Slide module won't open 8 years, 2 months ago #30499

  • usersmart1
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 1364
  • Karma: 20
Dear Hatters,

1. With SJ Ads Slideshow for AdsManage:
Please go to /modules/mod_sj_adsm_slideshow/core/fields/sjadsmcategories.php file and find code:
=> Please edit to:

2. With SJ Extra Slider modules for Ads Manager:
Please go to /modules/mod_sj_adsm_extraslider/core/fields/sjadsmcategories.php file and find code:
=> Please edit to:

Thanks & regards!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Hatters

Re: SJ Extra Slide module won't open 8 years, 2 months ago #30504

Thanks for that, I can now open those modules.
Problem now is I can't get them to display on the home (or any ) page
SJ Ads Slideshow for AdsManager is now published, assigned to home page in the slideshow position and it does not appear?
Time to create page: 0.29 seconds


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