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Will module disappear when read more is clicked?
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TOPIC: Will module disappear when read more is clicked?

Will module disappear when read more is clicked? 13 years, 9 months ago #11

Hi Have the virtue mart Slick Slider and it looks nice and I believe it will work but there are two things that I would like it to do. One is have an option to resize the images but not constrain them to the sizes I input so they do not appear squashed or stretched but maintain their aspect there a way to do this? I tried to leave one field blank but it did not work.

The second problem is that when you click read more it takes you to the item info which is good but I would like the module to disappear because of limited real estate on the there a way to do this? I wish I was a coder and could do this sort of thing

Thank you!


Re: Will module disappear when read more is clicked? 13 years, 9 months ago #265

  • admin
Dear aquarian_design

I would like to answer you as follows:

1. One is have an option to resize the images but not constrain them to the sizes I input so they do not appear squashed or stretched but maintain their aspect there a way to do this
=> In this case, please open modules\mod_yt_virtuemart_slickslider\libs\soslider.php file, at about line 226, find this code:

$nameImg = "resized_" . str_replace('/','',strrchr($imagePath,"/"));

and change to:

$nameImg = str_replace('/','',strrchr($imagePath,"/"));

$ext = substr($nameImg, strrpos($nameImg, '.'));

$file_name = substr($nameImg, 0, strrpos($nameImg, '.'));

$size = getimagesize( $imagePath );

// if it's not a image.
if( !$size ){ return ''; }

// case 1: render image base on the ratio of source.
$x_ratio = $width / $size[0];
$y_ratio = $height / $size[1];

// set dst, src
$dst = new stdClass();
$src = new stdClass();
$src->y = $src->x = 0;
$dst->y = $dst->x = 0;

if ($width > $size[0])
$width = $size[0];
if ($height > $size[1])
$height = $size[1];

$nameImg = $file_name . "_" . $width . "_" . $height . $ext;

2. The second problem is that when you click read more it takes you to the item info which is good but I would like the module to disappear because of limited real estate on the there a way to do this
=> In this case, you need to create new menus for your categories, the system will auto update Itemid for each link in the module

Hope this helps

Re: Will module disappear when read more is clicked? 13 years, 9 months ago #274

Thank you, I have found a way to fix the second problem and I will try your solution for the first.

I would like to pre-load the images I use for the "read-more" button since I created some images that go with the site. What file should I put a script to preload images?

I have tried to put a script in my index file but it does not seem to work, I think I may need to have the preload script in one of the module files?


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