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Target New Window
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TOPIC: Target New Window

Target New Window 7 years, 6 months ago #31733


I have set one menu item to open on a new window but its not working when the module is used.

How to correct this
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Re: Target New Window 7 years, 6 months ago #31790

Dear orphicpixel

The current our module don't support get 'target' from menu item, it get 'target' from configure in our module.
we will note this issue and update this function as soon as. thanks for your informatio.

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Re: Target New Window 7 years, 6 months ago #31800

Is there a possibility to modify the code so that I can remove the lines that implement the target behavior?
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Re: Target New Window 7 years, 6 months ago #31813

Dear orphicpixel

This post is duplicate your question. we will close it. please tracking our answer in this post:

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