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What version of YTShortcode should I intall on Joomla 3?
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TOPIC: What version of YTShortcode should I intall on Joomla 3?

What version of YTShortcode should I intall on Joomla 3? 2 years, 6 months ago #48158

  • fede312
  • Single Product
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  • Posts: 17
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The installer comes with several versions of the plugins. What version should I install on J3?

When I install j4x_v4 the search tools button on top of the menus and articles do not drop down, also you can no longer rearrange articles or modules by title, etc. Also the YT button does not show up on the editor.

When I install v3.1.0 the search tools button works fine, but the YTshortcodes button does not show up on the menu. When following your fix, the button shows up on the editor, but the search tools on the article no longer works.

Also on any version most of the shortcodes do not work properly. When I try to change the parameters I can't change them or click on them.
Last Edit: 2 years, 6 months ago by fede312.

Re: What version of YTShortcode should I intall on Joomla 3? 2 years, 6 months ago #48161

  • thuygtn
Dear fede312,

Can you send your URL and admin and FTP account? Please send screenshot where the search tools are?


Re: What version of YTShortcode should I intall on Joomla 3? 2 years, 6 months ago #48164

  • fede312
  • Single Product
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  • Posts: 17
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Here is the info you required. As much as i would like to send you a screen shot, your page Add File function does not work!

Re: What version of YTShortcode should I intall on Joomla 3? 2 years, 6 months ago #48166

  • thuygtn
Dear Federico Dantoni,

Please send screenshot of your issue? You can upload the image in this site:


Re: What version of YTShortcode should I intall on Joomla 3? 2 years, 6 months ago #48170

  • fede312
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 17
  • Karma: 0
Here is the screenshot

If you go to the back end while the plug in is active the search tools button won't drop down

Also it disables the install function of joomla.

Re: What version of YTShortcode should I intall on Joomla 3? 2 years, 6 months ago #48172

  • thuygtn
Dear sir,

I fixed and it works now:

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