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Multilingual issue with Joomla 3.4
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TOPIC: Multilingual issue with Joomla 3.4

Multilingual issue with Joomla 3.4 9 years, 11 months ago #23194


Did anyone experience this?

Using SJ Royal which was completely fine using en-GB and fr-FR (default) until I upgraded to Joomla 1.4.
Since then, whatever I do to display en-GB text by selecting the en-GB flag, site remains in French Turning off SEO and manually typing ..../index.php?lang=en, I can see the url being auto-switching from to .../index.php?lang=fr

Joomla bug or else? Submitted a ticket anyway...



[SOLVED] Re: Multilingual issue with Joomla 3.4 9 years, 11 months ago #23195

Found what the problem is:

For whatever reason (Upgrade to 3.4 to be verified?), EN language access was no longer set to Public.
Changed it an it now works...


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