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TOPIC: Responsive tables

Responsive tables 9 years, 11 months ago #20904


I have a problem. I want to make the tables from my site ( they are and will be more of them ) responsive.

I have tried this script which is doing a fine job. Is exactly what i want. In plain html work great. But in my joomla template it breaks.

The script is this :

and the url of one item that i am tring to modify is this one.

Any help is much apreciated.

Thank you.

Re: Responsive tables 9 years, 11 months ago #20996

I don`t want to bother anyone but this post is 7 days old and no support at all. I don`t think is fair.
I have found the problem. Is the responsive.css file. But can`t tell where to modify. If i uncomment all table rules , my table gets its parameters from bootstrap but the main menu its black and it`s showing. Hope now i can get some help.

My ticket number from 16.09.2014

I really need some hints or help.

thank you.
Last Edit: 9 years, 11 months ago by pingusol.
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