I bought a subscription for JTC this weekend, just installed the Decou template and the very first thing I tried to do (having installed a Swedish language pack), was to change the logo. So I picked a logo that I use on my other Joomla sites, pressed "save and close" and checked the website. Only this is diplayed:
Please config select layout in Administrator >> Template Manager >> Your_Template >> Tab:Layout >> Field:layout
Oookey... a bit odd that simply changing logo picture produces this but here goes. Went to the Layout tab in the template manager where it said Default layout "none selected" and picked the "left-main.xml". Reloaded the page and now it says:
"structure or name of file: left-main.xml.xml is not exactly" HUH?! What ever layout I choose, I can't get my webpage to display.
I have a Rockettheme and Yootheme membership but no experience of Smartaddon's templates from before but thought the design fitted my needs perfectly, betten than their templates.. However, if my very first, simple action produces this behaviour it makes me wonder what to expect when I start adding modules and filling content...
How can this be fixed?!