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Problem with the category list
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TOPIC: Problem with the category list

Problem with the category list 13 years, 9 months ago #91

  • olesman
I am trying to list 5 stories with the most recent first from the parent category NEWS and include child categories.

I have tried choosing just the NEWS category as well as selecting NEWS and all the child categories.

When I select the NEWS category only I get 3 stories if I say to list 5 and I get 7 if I choose 50 or 500.

When I select NEWS and the children I get 3 if I say to list 5 and I get a long list if I choose 500 but it is not a list of 500 (there are thousands of items that can be displayed).

Even if I could get it to display 5 when I ask for 5 the items are not displaying by desc date as selected. I can't even see the logic in which items are being displayed.

Any help would be appreciated.
Last Edit: 13 years, 9 months ago by . Reason: added link

Re: Problem with the category list 13 years, 9 months ago #98

  • olesman
I now have 4 modules on my homepage and to get 5 K2 items to show up I had to enter different amounts to each module and none of them where 5.

NEWS: 13
ARTS: 12

None of the modules are displaying the K2 items in DESC order by created date. Well, at least not without skipping a bunch.

Re: Problem with the category list 13 years, 8 months ago #139

  • tuyenlb
Hi olesman,

Also I see your ticket, but that link broken.
Now it has worked. Please continue reply for me on ticket system.

Thank you.
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