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Error Sj Image Slideshow, simple image gallery
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TOPIC: Error Sj Image Slideshow, simple image gallery

Error Sj Image Slideshow, simple image gallery 10 years ago #20458

Hi, I have installed Simple image gallery and installing Sj Simple Image Slideshow gallery picture when you click on a photo to enlarge this does not show the navigation arrows if I turn if I Sj Image Slideshow displays

Sj Image Slideshow activated

Sj Image Slideshow Off


Re: Error Sj Image Slideshow, simple image gallery 10 years ago #20463

  • SA Thuy
Dear Javier Del Campo,

Could you please send your site account for us to check?

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when you reply this answer.


Re: Error Sj Image Slideshow, simple image gallery 10 years ago #20467

Ok, not until September will be hosted on a server once hosted on this server cumplimentare site data for accessing


Re: Error Sj Image Slideshow, simple image gallery 9 years, 11 months ago #20916

Hi, I already have that page rise steps should I follow so they can see the problem


Re: Error Sj Image Slideshow, simple image gallery 9 years, 11 months ago #21009

Hi I bought SJ Image Slideshow and install it on a local machine until I got the domain, once uploaded page I find that if I have activated SJ Image Slideshow does not show me anything in the section membership access as shown in 7 when the osition should put it in position 6

Hi, I have installed Simple image gallery and installing Sj Simple Image Slideshow gallery picture when you click on a photo to enlarge this does not show the navigation arrows if I turn if I Sj Image Slideshow displays

Sj Image Slideshow activated

Sj Image Slideshow Off
Last Edit: 9 years, 11 months ago by aope.

Re: Error Sj Image Slideshow, simple image gallery 9 years, 11 months ago #21026

  • usersmart1
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 1364
  • Karma: 20
Hi Javier Del Campo,

You have an error in the console, this may come from plugin conflict.
Please try to install Jquery Easy plugin to avoid conflict.

Thanks & regards!
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