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TOPIC: SobiPro

SobiPro 11 years, 1 month ago #15284

I bought "SJ Information" with SobiPro application.
I have problems installing the payment when registering as defined criteria (free and paid fields fields) can you help me for this?

Thank you in advance.

Re: SobiPro 11 years, 1 month ago #15320

Dear Pascal,

We're sorry. We haven't understood your requirement. Could you please send the screenshots of your requirement or explain detail about it?


Re: SobiPro 11 years, 1 month ago #15607

Sorry not to have been understood, my English is not very good.
I bought "SJ Information" with SobiPro.
Here is my request:
Each entry in the directory, I am a "contact form" instead of "Press Release" is that possible.
I am annoyed by the display email address directly.
I also do not understand the registration page, the fields "Company tab", "Products & Services", "Media tab" etc ... with "YTshortcodes" does not work?
I need uploder images and videos for certain entries.
Thank you for your reply

Re: SobiPro 11 years, 1 month ago #15628

Dear Pascal,

1. "Each entry in the directory, I am a "contact form" instead of "Press Release" is that possible."
- go to your_site\components\com_sobipro\usr\templates\sj_information\entry\details.xsl and find:
<li data-tab="ss_press_release_tab"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Press release</a></li>

=> change : "Press release" to "contact form"

2. "I am annoyed by the display email address directly."
- go to your_site\components\com_sobipro\usr\templates\sj_information\entry\details.xsl and find:
<div class="w50">
							<xsl:variable name="mailto_url">
								<xsl:value-of select="entry/fields/field_email/data" />
							<span class="icon-envelope-alt"></span>
							<a class="emailhref" href="mailto:{$mailto_url}">
								<xsl:attribute name="title">
									<xsl:value-of select="entry/fields/field_email/data" />
								<xsl:attribute name="rel">
									<xsl:value-of select="'tooltip'" />
									<xsl:value-of select="php:function( 'SobiPro::Txt' , 'Email' )"  />


<div class="w50">
							<xsl:variable name="mailto_url">
								<xsl:value-of select="entry/fields/field_email/data" />
							<span class="icon-envelope-alt"></span>
							<a class="emailhref" href="mailto:{$mailto_url}">
								<xsl:attribute name="title">
									<xsl:value-of select="entry/fields/field_email/data" />
								<xsl:attribute name="rel">
									<xsl:value-of select="'tooltip'" />
									<xsl:value-of select="php:function( 'SobiPro::Txt' , 'Email' )"  />

4. We've checked the fields "Company tab", "Products & Services", "Media tab" etc ... with "YTshortcodes does work normally.
- example:
[button type="primary" icon="comment"] Primary [/button]

5. "I need uploder images and videos for certain entries."
- go to administrator -> sobipro -> sections -> sj information -> Section Configuration -> Fields Manager -> add new field (Field Type: image...)


Re: SobiPro 11 years, 1 month ago #15650

I did as indicated for the "contact form" but became inaccessible front end?
I do not have any record displayed?

Re: SobiPro 11 years, 1 month ago #15694

Dear Pascal,

Could you please send your site account to us? We will check directly.
For the security reason, please enter your site account in
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