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Help Few Things...! Please
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TOPIC: Help Few Things...! Please

Help Few Things...! Please 10 years, 11 months ago #10956


This is my first request for help, and I have some questions.

1- Special positions and Notice Module.

They are both active but when I add a module they doesn't appear at positions list.

2- Is there a way to manage the size of the "Override logo image", I mean I can put a bigger logo but some logos they auto-resize smaller.

3- I'd like to change the highlight menu bar color, please see the attachment. I don't know what file to edit.

Thanks, please if you know the answer of any of these questions please answer! Any solution would be really nice.!!

I really appreciate

Re: Help Few Things...! Please 10 years, 11 months ago #10960

After some research and everything I did found how to change the color .

Now I still need help with the other things.

Last Edit: 10 years, 11 months ago by rolandomoragaaes.

Re: Help Few Things...! Please 10 years, 11 months ago #11019

  • SA Thuy
Dear Rolando,

1. Please check position and menu assign in your module, you can refer module positions of template:

2. Because the template is responsive, maybe, you have to change width in layout file (your_site\templates\sj_plus\layouts). If possible, please send your url to us?

3. Please go to choose 'No' in Development with lesscss, Merge file, Compress css and Compress js, then go to your_site/templates/sj_plus/css/template-blue.css and find:

#yt_menuposition ul.navi > li.level1:hover,
#yt_menuposition ul.navi > li.level1.hover,
#yt_menuposition ul.navi > {
    background: #0291FF;

#yt_menuposition ul.navi > li.level1:hover,
#yt_menuposition ul.navi > li.level1.hover,
#yt_menuposition ul.navi > {
    background: your_color;

Last Edit: 10 years, 11 months ago by .

Re: Help Few Things...! Please 10 years, 11 months ago #11032

Thank you,

I already changed the color.

Actually yeah I'm able to use these positions, but then how do I use special posicions???

If you go here:, you'll see the notice bar, sticky left and right and a tool bottom.

Which of course I have the option of using special positions "on". But I dont see how can I use them, I mean I don't see the way to put some text in the "notice bar" and use it.!

By the way I have another trouble, for example I want to put some stuff at bottom 4 position, but If I do so, since I'm not using any other bottom position it appears as if I were using bottom 1. They only way I've found to actually use bottom 4 is to also use bottom 1,2,3 so bottom 4 will appear in bottom's 4 position. the same for social, search or contact.

It seems like since there is free space at the right it auto aligns there, at that free space.

Another Question!!

How can I add more background images for the header and footer??

Thanks for your answer!!!
Last Edit: 10 years, 11 months ago by rolandomoragaaes.

Re: Help Few Things...! Please 10 years, 11 months ago #11047

  • SA Thuy
Dear Rolando,

About other issue, please create new topic. We will check asap.

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