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Phoca Maps not working & question about styling...
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TOPIC: Phoca Maps not working & question about styling...

Phoca Maps not working & question about styling... 11 years, 11 months ago #8016

I'm being told from the Phoca Forum that it isn't working due to a Javascript Error within the template...

this is what they are telling me:

time: 19.2.2013 17:04:45
error: SyntaxError: missing } after function body
line: 245, column: 60
Zdrojový kód:
}, 800); return false; }); }); // end back to top });

Code: Select all
$jsmart(function($){ // back to top $("#yt-totop").hide(); ...

Can someone please help me here get this working....

The 2nd question I have is:

There is an 18px gap between user2 / user 3 and userC.... where can I "0" out this margin or padding so there is no space...

Please Help!!!

Last Edit: 11 years, 11 months ago by treybraid.

Re: Phoca Maps not working & question about styling... 11 years, 11 months ago #8054

Come on guys... please help me out here with my question/s...


Re: Phoca Maps not working & question about styling... 11 years, 11 months ago #8096

Once again I post something in the forums and it sits for over 3+ days with nary a response. I just renewed my membership and I can honestly say unless your support gets better that will be the last. Your templates and extensions are awesome; but, your support is awful guys. Come on I've been extremely patient...

I had 2 simple questions and you can't answer them.


Re: Phoca Maps not working & question about styling... 11 years, 11 months ago #8169

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
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Dear trey braid,

Because your membership is JTC personal, we support only you on one domain now.

We see that you asked many questions on many different sites

Therefore, please add your domain to our domain list:

I hope that you understand our mean because it is our policy.

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