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Styling help on Mobile Device's....IPAD...
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TOPIC: Styling help on Mobile Device's....IPAD...

Styling help on Mobile Device's....IPAD... 12 years ago #7674

When I view the site on an IPAD the background of the page is pushed to the left for some reason... looks like it is moved over to the left about 20 to 40px - any idea why that might be happening..

Using left-main-right.xml layout

I added the background image like I always have before; so, it is centered on the page..

background: #aed4eb url('../images/city-bg.jpg') no-repeat center top;
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #000;line-height:18px;

It looks fine on my computer; but, is out of sorts on a mobile device....pushed to the left...

The Background Image is 2600 x 700

Please let me know what the issue might be...


Re: Styling help on Mobile Device's....IPAD... 12 years ago #7675

On a hunch after digging into the template.css I saw where you had commented out the styling for an IPad Browser on line: 16 for me

/*Tablet for Ipad*/
.ipadbrowser{min-width: 980px /*1024px*/ !important;}
.ipadbrowser .yt-main-in1:after{background: none;}

I changed the width from 1024 to 980 and the background centered on the IPad..

Any idea why it was being pushed to the left in the first place?

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