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Quickstart Styling Errors
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TOPIC: Quickstart Styling Errors

Quickstart Styling Errors 12 years, 1 month ago #7072

Your forum notification isn't working - I posted yesterday- got an answer and never got anything...

The site is on a local install.

The layout of the template is skewed when viewed in Explorer Compatibility, Chrome, Safari and Opera---- looks fine in Firefox which I am working in-- STYLING ISSUE'S ) I will post a screenshot ...

I've got the quickstart installed and I've gone in and installed an assortment of components and extensions. I am having J-Query and Ajax conflicts, I even tried to install some J-Query plugins to see if that would resolve the conflict and it didn't work...

There are a few styling issue's that blowout the template when viewed in other browsers. ( FIREFOX 18.0 LOOKS FINE ). Explorer Compatibility View and 9 are skewed along with Chrome, Opera and Safari.

This is what I've installed:
1. Phoca Maps
2. SobiPro
3. CKeditor
4. extplorer

1. BT Slideshow by BowThemes
2. Phoca Maps Modules
4. GTranslate
5. SJ Modules Tabs--- these aren't working period!!!
6. YT Modules Tabs--- these work; but, I want the styling of the SJ Tabs...

Also I noticed when I installed the SJ Module tabs the " Clean Cache, JS " Plugin that installed with the Quickstart - when I try and clear the cache the popup is blank... ( I will post a screenshot shortly )

Below are the screenshots with the site in each browser and the issue I am seeing... Please ntoe the tabs aren't working in either...

Last Edit: 12 years, 1 month ago by treybraid.

Re: Quickstart Styling Errors 12 years ago #7100

I put the website on a subdomain; so, it is now live.

I went ahead and reinstalled the site using the Quickstart---- I had originally installed a Rocket Theme Quickstart; but, I uninstalled the Gantry Framework and installed all SmartAddon plugins and framerwork...

The Template still has an issue when viewed in other browsers...

See bottom Nav Bar in Interner Explorer Compatability Mode... the bottom menu is blown out...

Please let me know what I need to edit to fix the issue.

Last Edit: 12 years ago by treybraid.

Re: Quickstart Styling Errors 12 years ago #7130

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear trey braid,

I see that your site is normal now.

Please check it again.

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Re: Quickstart Styling Errors 12 years ago #7139

No it's not... when you view the site in Internet Explorer 9 and then hit the Compatability Tab the bottom Nav Menu blows out.


Re: Quickstart Styling Errors 12 years ago #7148

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear trey braid,

I have checked your site many times on IE9.

It is normal now.

Please check your site again.

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