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Exclude shipping costs from cart
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TOPIC: Exclude shipping costs from cart

Exclude shipping costs from cart 8 years ago #31477

Hello, i need to know how eclude shipping costs from cart.
If i add a product in the cart, (example 1 item = 59€) the cart shows cost of product plus shipping costs (for logged in users), as you can see in attached picture.
Now, i just want the mini-cart will show only amount of products, and not also shipping costs. Thanks in advance.
Edit i can't upload image, you can see here:
Last Edit: 7 years, 9 months ago by maxfiorenza.

Re: Exclude shipping costs from cart 8 years ago #31491

Dear maxfiorenza

You can refer configure here:


Re: Exclude shipping costs from cart 8 years ago #31493

Hello and thank you anhqn, i've tryed your solution but unfortunately it doesn't work.
as you can see in this image: if i login to website (shipping costs can't be calculated if user doesn't login) and add 1 item to the cart, automatically shipping costs are added to grand total. If i remove item(s) from cart i still can see shipping costs (in the case of image shipping cost is 7,5€).
The best solution can be: or don't show any shipping cost apart of virtuemart cart (not minicart module) or show in minicart: Shipping costs row with amount of shipping... but if i remove items the cart grand total will be Zero.

Re: Exclude shipping costs from cart 8 years ago #31521

Dear maxfiorenza

I could not found the shipping code is 7,5$.
Please try to check this issue with default theme joomla to sure you configure right. you can read more here:

If you want to skip the shipping step in your checkout process just enable the Automatic Selected Shipment in configuration.Go to virtue mart-> configuration->checkout
then check the Automatic Selected Shipment and save.


Re: Exclude shipping costs from cart 7 years, 10 months ago #32680

I have the same problem - when i add a product for lets say 10$ and go to checkout, then choose checkout delivery for 3$ and go back to lets say home page - and then remove a product - minicart is saying - 0 products - 3$ - thats becouse cart is remember 3$ delivery. How to repair that in php?

edit: i see in mod_sj_minicart_pro.php line:


- how to change billTotal to show prices without shipping?
Last Edit: 7 years, 10 months ago by bpole.

Re: Exclude shipping costs from cart 7 years, 10 months ago #32729

Dear bpole

Our SJ sj_minicart_pro module is commercial product and I checked your account, there aren't any order information, please send me your order information.
Then we will check for you.

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