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Mini cart adds a 0 (zero) to the link of each item in the cart
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TOPIC: Mini cart adds a 0 (zero) to the link of each item in the cart

Mini cart adds a 0 (zero) to the link of each item in the cart 9 years, 6 months ago #25543

For each items in the cart Mini cart adds a 0 (zero) to the URL of the item, so that you will not be linked to the product page as the same URL with a 0 at the end is not existing.

URL: www.mydomain/en/category/product/test-product
That´s what Mini cart makes out of it:
URL: www.mydomain/en/category/product/test-product0

Any idea would be really appreciated!
It seems the developers do also have no clue!

Re: Mini cart adds a 0 (zero) to the link of each item in the cart 9 years, 6 months ago #25579

I have encountered the same problem - Lets get a fix sorted for this

Re: Mini cart adds a 0 (zero) to the link of each item in the cart 9 years, 6 months ago #25589

I raised a ticket for that problem more than 4 weeks ago!!!
All answers are delayed and if you get one the only offer is that they are requesting access to your admin account. I explained more than one time that the site is installed only locally yet, so I could not provide any access but it seems they don´t read this.
It´s crazy about this.
I really hope that someone is reading this and has a clue how to fix it and posts it here!
From the developers I don´t expect any more support as per my experience.

If I get any solution somehow I will post it here!

Re: Mini cart adds a 0 (zero) to the link of each item in the cart 9 years, 5 months ago #25687

I need this fixed too. Just bought the extension but can't use it if the display is wrong

Re: Mini cart adds a 0 (zero) to the link of each item in the cart 9 years, 5 months ago #25734

More than 3 weeks over now and still got no response from them.
This is really poor. Keep you updated.

Re: Mini cart adds a 0 (zero) to the link of each item in the cart 9 years, 4 months ago #26089

I finally got response from the developers after 2 months of discussion.
As promised I post the solution.
The issue requires a modification of the file "helper.php":

Go to modules\mod_sj_hk_minicart_pro\core\helper.php find code:
//line 38
$product->link = hikashop_completeLink('product&task=show&cid='.$product->product_id.'&name='.$product->alias.$url_itemid.$category_pathway);
-> edit to:
$product->link = hikashop_completeLink('product&task=show&cid='.$product->product_id.'&name='.$product->alias.$url_itemid);

Hope it helps all of you!
Last Edit: 9 years, 4 months ago by disc.
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