Hello Again.
1)I have an Issue with my footer element, it seems to be partially hidden, I can only see the copyright info and a top of links, but not the menu for switching between mobile view etc. I have done some changes to CSS, but I've had tis issue from the beginning, I only didnt pay much attention to it (the site has been running for a month now).
2)I am not able to display modules with postition main50_1 or main50_2, which are supposed to be only half of the width of content, dont know if i disabled something i shouldnt but cant find where possibly...
3)Is it possible to view more than 1 column in menu item type virtuemart category layout? I've set it to 2 in back-end, but still displays only 1 (
4)The last one is more serious, all of a sudden, I started getting error messages whenever I wanted to go to options either in content, menus or wherever Error loading component com_******, 1. Only thing that helped was disabling the global cache, although I tried to purge the cache before with no avail.
5)Lastly, is it possible to remove the Joomla row from the copyright. I'm fine with SmartAddons advertising there, but does there need to be the Joomla text? If that is an incentive for m to buy copyright removal, I am seriously thinking about doin that
It is rather a longer list, but at least one of those Issues resolved would make me really happy.
Thank you!