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TOPIC: No show Date and more detail

No show Date and more detail 10 years, 9 months ago #18936

Hello i want no show "date", " Be the first to comment!" and " Update fastest new events, hot in our warehouse Videos See more "
Y have no selected item options nos show but no works ...
Include the capture...

Thank's for your reponse
Last Edit: 10 years, 9 months ago by laurentdubois.

Re: No show Date and more detail 10 years, 8 months ago #19112

  • usersmart1
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 1364
  • Karma: 20
Hi Laurent Dubois,

In this template, we overridden SJ k2 slider module, so if you want remove comment, date and view more item please update file (/html/mod_sj_k2_slider/default.php)

 * @package Sj K2 Slider
 * @version 3.0.0
 * @license GNU/GPL
 * @copyright (c) 2013 YouTech Company. All Rights Reserved.
 * @author YouTech Company
defined('_JEXEC') or die;

if( !defined('SMART_JQUERY') && $params->get('include_jquery', 0) == "1" ){
	define('SMART_JQUERY', 1);

$options = $params->toObject();
$tag_id ='sj_k2_slider_'.rand().time();

$auto_play = (int)$params->get('play',1);
$delay = (int)$params->get('delay',2500);
if($auto_play == 1 || ($auto_play == 1 && $delay <= 0) ){
	$delay = ($delay > 0)?$delay:2500;
}else if($auto_play == 0){
	$delay = 0;
$effect = $params->get('effect');	

	<?php if(!empty($options->pretext)) { ?>
		<div class="pre-text"><?php echo $options->pretext; ?></div>
	<?php } ?>
	<div id="<?php echo $tag_id; ?>" class="sj-k2-container-slider" style="<?php if( $options->anchor == "bottom" ){ echo "margin-bottom:40px;"; }?>">
			<?php if(($options->title_slider_display == 1) && $options->slider_title_text !=''){?>
				<div class="page-title"><?php echo $options->slider_title_text;?></div>
			<?php }?>
			<?php if($options->anchor =="top"){?>
			<?php if($options->button_display == 1){?>
			<div class="page-button <?php echo $options->anchor;?> <?php echo $options->control;?>">
				<ul class="control-button preload">
					<li class="preview">Prev</li>
					<li class="next">Next</li>
			<?php }}?>
		$count_items = count($list);
		if($options->deviceclass_sfx1 > $count_items){
			$options->deviceclass_sfx1 = $count_items;
		if($options->deviceclass_sfx2 > $count_items){
			$options->deviceclass_sfx2 = $count_items;
		if($options->deviceclass_sfx3 > $count_items){
			$options->deviceclass_sfx3 = $count_items;
		if($options->deviceclass_sfx4 > $count_items){
			$options->deviceclass_sfx4 = $count_items;
		if($options->deviceclass_sfx5 > $count_items){
			$options->deviceclass_sfx5 = $count_items;
		$deviceclass_sfx = 'preset01-'.$options->deviceclass_sfx1.' '.'preset02-'.$options->deviceclass_sfx2.' '.'preset03-'.$options->deviceclass_sfx3.' '.'preset04-'.$options->deviceclass_sfx4.' '.'preset05-'.$options->deviceclass_sfx5;
		$catLink	= '';
		<div class="slider not-js cols-6 <?php echo $deviceclass_sfx; ?>">
			<div class="vpo-wrap">
				<div class="vp">
					<div class="vpi-wrap">
					<?php foreach($list as $item){?>
						<div class="item">
							<div class="item-wrap">							
								if (empty($catLink)){
									$catLink	= $item->categoryLink;

								$img = SjK2SliderHelper::getK2Image($item, $params);
								$img = ImageHelper::init($img)->src();
								$img = (strpos($img,'http://') !== false || strpos($img,'https://') !== false)?$img:(JURI::root().$img);
								if((is_file($img) && file_exists($img)) || SjK2SliderHelper::isUrl($img)){
									<div class="item-img item-height has-video">
										<div class="item-img-info zoom-image">
											<a href="<?php echo $item->link;?>"  <?php echo  SjK2SliderHelper::parseTarget($options->item_link_target);?>>
												<img alt="<?php echo $item->displaytitle;?>" src="<?php echo $img;?>"/>
												<i class="icon-play"></i>
								<?php }?>
								<div class="item-info <?php if( $options->theme == "theme2" ){ echo "item-spotlight"; }?> ">
									<div class="item-inner">
									<?php if($item->displaytitle != '') { ?>
										<div class="item-title">
											<a href="<?php echo $item->link;?>" title="<?php echo $item->displaytitle; ?>"  <?php echo  SjK2SliderHelper::parseTarget($options->item_link_target);?>>
												<?php echo $item->displaytitle;?>
									<?php }?>
										<div class="item-content">
											<?php if($item->displayIntrotext != '') { ?>
												<div class="item-des">
													<?php echo $item->displayIntrotext; ?>							
											<?php }
											// show tags
											if($item->tags !=''){?>
												<div class="tags">
													<?php $i = -1; foreach ($item->tags as $tag): $i++; ?>
													<span class="tag-<?php echo $tag->id.' tag-list'.$i; ?>">
														<a class="label label-info" href="<?php echo $tag->link; ?>" title="<?php echo $tag->name; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $tag->name; ?></a>
													<?php endforeach; ?>
											<?php }	
											if( (int)$options->item_readmore_display && ($options->item_readmore_text !='' )){ ?>
												<div class="item-read">
													<a href="<?php echo $item->link; ?>" title="<?php echo $item->displaytitle; ?>" <?php echo SjK2SliderHelper::parseTarget($options->item_link_target); ?> >							
														<?php echo $options->item_readmore_text; ?>
											<?php } // readmore display ?>

										<?php if( $options->theme == "theme2" ){
											if( $options->item_title_display == 1 || $options->item_desc_display == 1 || $options->item_readmore_display == 1 ){?>
											<div class="item-bg"></div>				
										<?php }}?>		
					<?php }?>
		<?php if($options->anchor !="top"){?>
			<?php if($options->button_display == 1){?>
			<div class="page-button <?php echo $options->anchor;?> <?php echo $options->control;?>">
				<ul class="control-button preload">
					<li class="preview">&nbsp;</li>
					<li class="next">&nbsp;</li>
		<?php }}?>
	<?php if(!empty($options->posttext)) {  ?>
		<div class="post-text"><?php echo $options->posttext; ?></div>
	<?php } ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
			var $element = $(element);
			var $slider = $('.slider', $element)
			$('.slider', $element).responsiver({
				interval: <?php echo $delay;?>,
				speed: <?php echo $options->duration;?>,
				start: <?php echo $options->start -1;?>,
				step: <?php echo $options->scroll;?>,
				circular: true,
				preload: true,
				fx: '<?php echo $effect; ?>',
				pause: '<?php echo ($options->pause_hover == 'hover')?"hover":"null"; ?>',
					prev: '#<?php echo $tag_id;?> .control-button li[class="preview"]',
					next: '#<?php echo $tag_id;?> .control-button li[class="next"]'
				getColumns: function(element){
					var match = $(element).attr('class').match(/cols-(\d+)/);
					if (match[1]){
						var column = parseInt(match[1]);
					} else {
						var column = 1;
					if (!column) column = 1;
					return column;
				if($options->swipe_enable == 1) {	?>
				<?php } ?>	
		})('#<?php echo $tag_id; ?>');
<?php }else {echo JText::_('HAS_NO_CONTENT');}?>

Let me know if your problem still persists.

Thanks & regards!

Re: No show Date and more detail 10 years, 7 months ago #19370

I have the same problem with the SJDECOU template, with the SJ extra slider in position-4.
The code above didn't solve my problem.
Could you help me please?

Thank you in advance

Re: No show Date and more detail 10 years, 7 months ago #19511

  • diepnt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 442
  • Karma: 8
Dear Ioannis Markou,

We're really sorry about missing your question. Could you please let us know how it is now?
Have you resolved it?

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