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TOPIC: image resize

image resize 10 years, 6 months ago #17417

  • budfit
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  • Posts: 3
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I have recently installed SJ Mega Items II and everything went smooth (great module) however I can't center the images. No matter what size I put into the field width and height I can't center the picture.
When I use Image mode anything else than NONE it gives back only active link. It doesn't center the picture or resize it.
Is there way to resize the picture from original K2 image which is 400x640 to something which we show entire picture

Another thing, I see on your web site demo there are more theme. In our case only THEME 1 works fine. The selection from Theme 2-4 does not show subcategories from K2.

Please see

Our joomla version is: 2.5.11
Module version: 2.5

Thanks for help
Best regards,

Re: image resize 10 years, 6 months ago #17418

  • budfit
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  • Posts: 3
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btw I couldn't attach to small pictures jpeg nor pgn into this post.

Re: image resize 10 years, 6 months ago #17427

  • usersmart1
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 1364
  • Karma: 20
Dear Alexander Horvat

We are sorry, we have not detected your issue, please send us the screenshot, if you could not attach image, please upload image to and give us your link.


Re: image resize 10 years, 6 months ago #17440

  • budfit
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  • Posts: 3
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here are the pictures. The attachments (pictures) on this forum is disabled. Or at least it does not work with me. Anyway, here are the pictures.

The problem is that when you select Image Options/Image Mode Stretch or Fill etc... the picture disappears and only hyperlinks appear.

Simply, the pictures on the front page ( are not centered or resized. They are cut from the book covers. We would like to display the whole picture somehow.
Many thanks.
Last Edit: 10 years, 6 months ago by budfit. Reason: additional link

Re: image resize 10 years, 6 months ago #17464

  • budfit
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0
ok I was able to center the image in our front page manually via CSS (style.css - remove float). The version 2.5 - 3.0 does not work at all (gives blank page). So I am sticking with 2.5 version.
The description is too long under the picture, I can shorten it but the best would be to make it hoover on the picture.

Any idea where and how?
Best regards,

PS you can ignore previous posts

Re: image resize 10 years, 5 months ago #17614

  • usersmart1
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 1364
  • Karma: 20
Dear Alexander Horvath,

We could see that you found a solution for the issue.

If you have any further question or concern, please feel free to contact us.

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