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YtFacebook don't show, on my site as on your site!
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TOPIC: YtFacebook don't show, on my site as on your site!

YtFacebook don't show, on my site as on your site! 11 years, 11 months ago #8389


as i explained in a ticket few days ago, YT Facebook don't show fans any more.

and i notice that you have the same problem on your forum, check the image attached.

could you check this please ?

thank you

(oups, attachements images don't upload on the photo. Anyway, at this time, just look top right, the fan box is open in right size, but no fans inside, as on my own website).
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Re: YtFacebook don't show, on my site as on your site! 11 years, 11 months ago #8406

  • David Hoang
Dear shiyde,

In this case, please do not use Page Id, try with URL.

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Re: YtFacebook don't show, on my site as on your site! 11 years, 11 months ago #8408

ok it works, facebook had change things i believe as i see on your side it's back as well.

thank you for this.
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