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width and height
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TOPIC: width and height

width and height 7 months, 3 weeks ago #53179

Hi Team,
SJ Facebook is a great module.
Is it possible to have the width and height display 1200 x 900.
I am displaying the module in an article and would like 1200 x 900.
I have tried entering the numbers into the width and height fields but it appears the max display is maybe 500 x 500.
I am using J4 and Version 4.0.0 for module.

Re: width and height 7 months, 3 weeks ago #53185

Sorry, this size depends on the iframe provided by Facebook, you can try going to mod_sj_facebook/helper.php file to change the parameters, maybe it will work, I'm not sure about this at all

Re: width and height 7 months, 3 weeks ago #53186

Thank you for your reply.
I tried changing the parameters of the mod_sj_facebook/helper.php file but made no difference to the feed.
Think you are correct in suggesting the issue is with Facebook and the iframe feed.

Re: width and height 7 months, 3 weeks ago #53187

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