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my wishlist for improvement to k2 modules
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TOPIC: my wishlist for improvement to k2 modules

my wishlist for improvement to k2 modules 13 years, 8 months ago #457

after being member of the club and testing i propose the following wishlist of improvements to the k2 modules :

- option to capitalize or not the tiltes because in some languages this is not working well (in greek sure...)
- option to change fonts sizes because in some cases these might be very small (k2 ajax tabs, k2 scrollbar etc.)
- option to select which k2 image size (xs, small, m, large, xl) to resize/crop in modules to create small/big thumbnails
- read more text to be able to replace, so we can have this text in our language
- option to use images folder as a source, so to easily create slideshows etc. (w/o the need of k2)
- instructions and examples to overide modules css

thx, tasos

Re: my wishlist for improvement to k2 modules 13 years, 8 months ago #458

  • admin
Dear tasoskouk

Thanks for your idea

I saved these. In the next week, i will report to our team for discussing. I hope we can update all ideas soon

Best Regards
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