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SJ ZOO EXTRA SLIDER show items by Tags
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TOPIC: SJ ZOO EXTRA SLIDER show items by Tags

SJ ZOO EXTRA SLIDER show items by Tags 12 years, 9 months ago #3302

SJ ZOO EXTRA SLIDER is a realy good module and way mush better than the other item modules I have come across for Zoo Items. However, there is one feature I'm missing an that is the ability to display items by a tagbased criteria. When a site grows the categorydriven taxonomy is not enough and thats where Tags are great for filtering out the right content. Also you may not want to show all items from a category, just the ones that matches selected Tags. In an ideal workflow you would be able to select the tags you want ti filter but I guess a comma separated approach would work to.

This would make a good addition on non-Zoo modules to

Re: SJ ZOO EXTRA SLIDER show items by Tags 12 years, 9 months ago #3305

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Jim Larsson,

Thanks for your idea.

We will consider and update the sj zoo extra slider module in the next time.

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