Fully Responsive Layout
Powered by YT Framework and the latest web techniques: Bootstrap3, CSS3, HTML5, LESS, SJ Tini is extremely is designed for everyone and every device. The eCommerce Joomla template will automatically resizes to well fit on any shapes and any sizes.

YT Framework v3 Compatible with Bootstrap3
SJ Tini is powered by the latest Joomla template framework - YT FRAMEWORK V3, and flexible with Bootstrap3 at core. Therefore, the template comes with many useful shortcodes: video, gallery, slideshow, tab. You can totally manage your site without much coding knowledge.

Unlimited Color Styles and Fonts
SJ Tine is equipped with 6 modern color styles: Blue (default), Brown, Green, Pink and Violet to fit customers requirement. You can set your own default color in the backend and using C-panel to preview the template in each color. Besides, SJ Tini supports a large amount of Font Family as well as Google Fonts for using.

Preheader Menu Supported
With preheader menu, your language, currency and acount setting can be attractively displayed or hidden..

K2 Component
To adapt a site with a huge content, SJ Tini has already integrated K2 component. You can list your contents in from 1 to 4 columns depending on your need in use.

K2Store Shopping Cart
SJ Tini is integrated with K2 Store extension, a “Simple, Smart, Easy Shopping Cart”. This component supports many famous payment methods: Paypal, Authorize.Net and SagePay. Your website will easily become an online shop just in 10 munites..

Powerful Mega Menu
With our powerful mega menu, you can place your categories, products description, price, image, video, effects… or even add links to any page, static blocks with promotion banners and modules.

Boxed and Wide Layouts
SJ Tine supports boxed and wide layouts, with boxed version you can easily customize the background image and change settings as your own idea.

Custom Message Add to Cart with Popup View
On the homepage, when users click on Add to Cart there will have custom message in popup window. Users can choose whether to go to their cart or not.

Social Media Integrated
With our social modules: SJ Facebook, SJ Twitter Slider and SJ Social Media Counter, you can easily manage your social accounts as well as keep your user closer to your websites.

Cpanel and Sticky for Special Positions
Front-end Cpanel will help you visually tweak almost all options of template. And with sticky positions supported, you can show any type of seasonal information such as promotional news, announcements and advertisements.

- Compatible with IE9+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
- Support RTL / LTR language
- Support various Font Family as well as Google Fonts
- Support many styles for RESPONSIVE Menu: Mega Menu and Moo Menu
- Allow to set JavaScript for Menus, set start/end level and Keep on top
- Support many extensions:SJ Module Tabs, SJ Contact Ajax, SJ Facebook, SJ K2 Categories, SJ K2 Extraslider, SJ K2 Mega News, SJ K2 Scroller, SJ K2 Simpletabs, SJ K2 Slickslider, SJ K2 Slider, SJ K2 Slideshowii, SJ Social Media Counter, SJ Twitter Slider, SJ Videobox, SJ Gallery Pro, YT Framework Plugin, YT Shortcodes Plugin, SJ Content Related News, K2 Component, AcyMailing Component, K2store Component
- Typography and various module variations
- Use Lazy Load for handling large images
- HTML5 Validation
- Support LESSCSS
- 100% table-less design, based on CSS3
- Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File
Of all above, we hope that you will have a overall look at our news Joomla template - SJ Tini. Please check out the demo to feel the real experience. And be pleasure to give us any comment about it. Thanks for reading!