First of all, make sure you always download the newest version. When you bought the module, you already had the last version.
The following documentation is applied for packages from version 1.0 of
SJ News Ajax Tabs,
SJ K2 Ajax Tabs and
SJ VM Ajax Tabs module.
Refer guides for
Joomla!15 packages in
1. Joomla! v1.7.x, Joomla! v2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x latest stable versions are highly recommended.
1. Prepare your module package (zip file; please UNZIP first if it is indicated in the file name)
2. All steps are in administrator of Joomla!:
- In your Administrator page, go to Extensions -> Extension Manager
In this page, click Browse, select module package.
- Then click Upload & Install

- Please wait for module being installed, usually within several seconds
- Now go to Extensions -> Module Manager, click Select Type box and choose the module you have installed
- Then click the module listed below to configure it as SETTINGS part hereafter
Let's examine all the settings detail on SJ News Ajax Tabs module - Responsive Joomla! package
1. This module with sample layout is below:

- Main Image: Showing the main large image, configured under Image Options
- Navigation Button: Button to navigate with many styles can be applied.
2. The parameters are divided up into the following areas:
- Basic Options
- Source Options
- Article Options
- Image Options
- Advanced Options
- Link target - Set target for links clicked:
- Tabs position - Allow to set position for tabs
- Number of column - Allow to set number of column, maximum is 6
- Number of row - Allow to set number of row
- Display pager - Show/hide display pagination
- Data Source - Choose the source of content that is used with this module
- Category preload - Allow to choose category which to be shown at the first time
- Featured Articles - Show/Hide/or Only display Featured Articles
- Article Field to Order By - Select a field which you would like Articles to be ordered by:
- Article Manager Order
- Featured Article Order
- Hits
- Title
- ID
- Alias
- Created Date
- Modified Date
- Start Publishing Date
- Finish Publishing Date
- Ordering Direction - Allow to select direction which you would like articles to be order by:
- Count - Limit number of articles to display. Select "0" for show all articles
- Category Title Limit - Limit number of characters in category title
- Show image - Show/hide image of article
- Show Title - Show/hide title of article
- Title Limit - Limit number of character of article title
- Show Introtext - Show/hide Introtext
- Introtext Limit - Limit number of characters in Introtext
- Readmore Display - Show/hide Readmore
- Readmore Text - Allow you to alter the text for Read more...

- Image Intro - Allow you to get images from image intro of article OR not
- Image Fulltext - Allow you to get image from image fulltext of article OR not
- Inline Introtext- Allow you to get image from inline introtext of article OR not
- Inline Fulltext- Allow you to get image from inline fulltext of article OR not
- Extend Folder - Allow you to get image from extend folder OR not
- Extend Folder - Set path to external image folder used by option above
- Priority - Allow to set priority for getting image source
- Resize mode - Allow you to choose the mode of image resizing
- None
- Center
- Fill
- Fit
- Strech
- Image Type - Allow to set format for image output file:
- Default - if you want to keep original format
- Keep Transparency - Allow to keep images transparent, for PNG and GIF format
- Width - Allow you to set the width of the main image
- Height - Allow you to set the height of the main image
- Background - Allow to set the color of image background
- Cache - Path to cache images are resized
- Cache Url - Allow to set url of cache option above
- User Default Image - Use default image if article has no image
- Default Image Path - Allow you set path for default image used by option above
- Module Class Suffix - Allow you to choose another CSS class that suits your template. Please refer here
- Include Jquery - Allow to include jQuery lib OR not
- Pre-text - The content to show at the top of module
- Post-text - The content to show at the end of module
- Caching
- Use Global: Turn on caching
- No Caching: Turn off caching
- Cache Times - The time to cache