Latest Joomla 4 News, Releases, Joomla 4 Features
Matrix is a responsive multipurpose eCommerce Joomla template for VirtueMart 3 Component. It is ideal for any retail online stores from fashion store to technology store.
Nov, 2015
VirtueMart 3.0.12 - New Security Release
After a new security issue - a possible XSS which affects the array keys in the URL, found by the company, VirtueMart team has immediately fixed it in the new VirtueMart version 3.0.12. In this new version, the team also addressed some smaller bugs and glitches in advanced functions. Besides, the missing backward compatibility for some cases was added too.
VirtueMart 3.0.8 has been released as a necessity to deal with some security problems that are arisen from previous versions. Besides fixing bugs, VirtueMart teams also added some features on this new version. Now, let's take closer look on VirtueMart 3.0.8.
Recommendation: If you are using VirturMart version lower than 2.6.10, you should update it as soon as possible!
VirtueMart version 2.6.10 VirtueMart version 2.9.9B