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yt framwork problem with php 7
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TOPIC: yt framwork problem with php 7

Re: yt framwork problem with php 7 8 years ago #31688

  • thuygtn
Dear Vahid,

You are right. it's 'function'
We will update it soon.


Re: yt framwork problem with php 7 8 years ago #31710


thank you . there is only one error at this time:

[08-Feb-2017 09:31:53 UTC] PHP Deprecated:  Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Plugin_googleMaps has a deprecated constructor in /home/press724c/public_html/plugins/system/ytshortcodes/includes/libs/googlemap/googleMaps.lib.php on line 308

can you tell me how can i solve it too?

Re: yt framwork problem with php 7 8 years ago #31776

Dear Vahid

Please go to /home/press724c/public_html/plugins/system/ytshortcodes/includes/libs/googlemap/googleMaps.lib.php and find:

function Plugin_googleMaps( &$row, $pluginParams, $is_mod=0 ) {

=> change to:

fnction __construct( &$row, $pluginParams, $is_mod=0 ) {


Re: yt framwork problem with php 7 7 years, 9 months ago #32933

Добрый день
Сделал изменения, как вы и написали.
Проблема осталась (версия PHP 7.1, версия Joomla 3.7)

Re: yt framwork problem with php 7 7 years, 9 months ago #32977

Dear ivb2004

please send us the domain and admin, ftp account in the website information to check directly


Re: yt framwork problem with php 7 7 years, 9 months ago #33048

Добрый день
К сожалению доступы дать не могу, т.к. все тесты я проводил на тестовом сайте на локальном сервере (Openserver).
Есть ли возможность обновить шаблон (SJ Decou) или фреймворк (YT Framework) до новой версии?
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