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Why demo template is loaded with errors?
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TOPIC: Why demo template is loaded with errors?

Re: Why demo template is loaded with errors? 9 years, 11 months ago #22967

Good afternoon. I'm really looking forward to the answer to the ticket TT-0000007316.

Re: Why demo template is loaded with errors? 9 years, 11 months ago #22976

I agree this template is riddled with errors, we are running the site in debug mode and having to hide the debug mode block with CSS - otherwise all the sliders fail on the homepage and the wysiwyg JCE editor vanishes when adding products - in fact it's a right mess.

It's causing server errors with the amount of redirects and loops. This needs pulled and rebuilt from the bottom up to make it workable.....

Any solution from SmartAddOns?

Re: Why demo template is loaded with errors? 9 years, 11 months ago #22977

Good afternoon! So you fix the error? How much time will it take?

Re: Why demo template is loaded with errors? 9 years, 11 months ago #22978

oliv wrote:
Good afternoon! So you fix the error? How much time will it take?

Sadly no - all we've done is mask it by literally turning on debug (global config -> turn on debug console) then hiding the debug console within the CSS (ie display: none). That allows all the site to load but the underlying issue remains.....
Last Edit: 9 years, 11 months ago by ericgrant.

Re: Why demo template is loaded with errors? 9 years, 11 months ago #22979

What should I do?

Re: Why demo template is loaded with errors? 9 years, 11 months ago #22980

oliv wrote:
What should I do?
Raise a support ticket because the method we use is only temporary because it cannot stay in debug mode.

I explained how to hide it, turn on debug console from admin -> global config and then hide the block in your css. BUT it's not ideal because the error stays but it only hidden.

We are fixing it shortly.
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