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Есть ли руковдство
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TOPIC: Есть ли руковдство

Re: Есть ли руковдство 11 years, 1 month ago #15432

And you can more detail please?

А можно пожалуйста более подробно?

Re: Есть ли руковдство 11 years, 1 month ago #15441

Dear Alexei Titov,

That is the information of a product: Product SKU, Product Name, Manufacturer, Short Description, Product Description, In Stock...


Re: Есть ли руковдство 11 years, 1 month ago #15470

How to display the description is clear, thanks)
Как вывести описание понятно, спасибо)

Attachment 1.jpg not found

Desirable outputs material additional button, and each product separately to its
Хочется выводит материал в дополнительной кнопке, и каждый к своему товару отдельно

Attachment 2.jpg not found

Re: Есть ли руковдство 11 years, 1 month ago #15474

Dear Alexei Titov,

Please following the steps :
1. go to your_site\templates\sj_appstore_hitech\html\com_virtuemart\productdetails\default.php and:

- find:
<a href="javascript: void(0)" class="prd_reviews"><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_REVIEWS') ?></a>

=> replace:

<a href="javascript: void(0)" class="prd_reviews"><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_REVIEWS') ?></a>
			<a href="javascript: void(0)" class="prd_button1"><?php echo "button1"; ?></a>
			<a href="javascript: void(0)" class="prd_button2"><?php echo "button2"; ?></a>

- find:
echo $this->loadTemplate('reviews');

=> replace:

echo $this->loadTemplate('reviews');
			<div class="product-button1">
				<!--content of tab buttuon1-->
			    /** @todo Test if content plugins modify the product description */
			    echo nl2br($this->product->product_s_desc);

			<div class="product-button2">
				<!--content of tab buttuon2-->
			/* Product Description */
			if (!empty($this->product->product_desc)) {
		        <div class="product-description">
			<?php /** @todo Test if content plugins modify the product description */ ?>
		    	<span class="title"><?php echo JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DESC_TITLE') ?></span>
			<?php echo $this->product->product_desc; ?>
		    } /* Product Description END */ 

- find:
				$('.tab_desc .tab_desc_conten > div').removeClass('active');
				$('.tab_desc .tab_desc_conten > div.customer-reviews').addClass('active');

=> replace:

				$('.tab_desc .tab_desc_conten > div').removeClass('active');
				$('.tab_desc .tab_desc_conten > div.customer-reviews').addClass('active');
				$('.tab_desc .tab_desc_conten > div').removeClass('active');
				$('.tab_desc .tab_desc_conten > div.product-button1').addClass('active');
				$('.tab_desc .tab_desc_conten > div').removeClass('active');
				$('.tab_desc .tab_desc_conten > div.product-button2').addClass('active');

Last Edit: 11 years, 1 month ago by anhqn.

Re: Есть ли руковдство 11 years, 1 month ago #15495

This action copies a short description and a description?

Это действие копирует краткое описание, и описание?
Last Edit: 11 years, 1 month ago by Alexei13.

Re: Есть ли руковдство 11 years, 1 month ago #15516

Top panel slid to the left. How to fix?

Attachment 11.jpg not found

Ещё вот, верхняя панель влево съезжает. Как поправить?
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