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TOPIC: design change

Re: design change 12 years ago #7500

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Daria Avtonomova,

Could you please send the link where this login module is appeared now to us?

We will check it directly on your site.

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Re: design change 12 years ago #7523

put it on the menu and received the good link. Word "Login" - red letters, grey background, as title.

You helped me with Captcha at registration page. Where can I find the same css formatting for contact page? - Open "Contact form", captcha is also stepped at the right.

In the shopping cart.

How to change blue line "Product successfully added" and "I" picture. (to change color of the text and picture)

"Click here to read terms of service and check the box to accept them" - where should I add the doc with these terms so that customers could read it?

Section "select shipment" and "select payment method" - want to change font size and need to delete first word in the brackets
(Скидка/Стоимость : 30,00 грн) - no "Скидка", just "Стоимость"
Last Edit: 12 years ago by ablefollow. Reason: fixed several issues myself
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Re: design change 12 years ago #7592

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
Dear Daria Avtonomova,

Please submit the custom work ticket to our ticket at

We can discuss these issues with you more detail.

Ticket System | Join our Clubs to download our extensions and templates
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Re: design change 12 years ago #7608

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