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TOPIC: low resolution images

Re: low resolution images 8 years, 6 months ago #28946

Buenas noches. Instale ayer el módulo sj categories II y tengo el mismo problema que otros usuarios con la resolucion de las fotografias.
Le adjunto la url

las fotografias pertenecen a las categorias de hermandades, bandas y templos
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Re: low resolution images 8 years, 6 months ago #28949

the module is on this URL:

Images are prepared to the same proportions but the effect is very low.
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Re: low resolution images 8 years, 6 months ago #29003

can I please any help with this...above.
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Re: low resolution images 8 years, 6 months ago #29004

buenas tardes. Tiene usted solucion al problema?
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Re: low resolution images 8 years, 6 months ago #29005

Buenas tardes. Tienen ustedes alguna solución al problema?
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Re: low resolution images 8 years, 1 month ago #31109

Dear support,
could you please post the solution of this issue? The image output is so bad that even the "easy & dream customer" will complain about it!

It is quite frustrating to see other users asking for the same issue and read only "send us your website access" as answer
I also would like a clarification about the four resize mode of the module (Stretch, Fill, Fit, Center). In the documentation there's no explanation but they all look really bad and low resolution.

Ps. I already set K2 resolution to 100
Last Edit: 8 years, 1 month ago by LorenzoC. Reason: I'm not able to attach a JPG! (Firefox v.50
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