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TOPIC: folder doesen´t exist

Re: folder doesen´t exist 11 years, 7 months ago #10268

  • huggies
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I am having the same problem mentioned by so many others on this thread, surely we can't all be wrong?

I setup a folder in images called "thumbs" (images/thumbs), I then uploaded 12 images and I copied and pasted exactly what is laid out on the instructions page into an article. You would think nothing could go wrong...after all, I didn't customise anything...I just followed the (limited) instructions to the letter.

So what is going wrong? Are the instructions poor? (yes, they are)...Is the extension too basic? (in terms of the user interface...yes, without a doubt)... Is the any extension good? (Yes, probably, at least when it is working)...Is it worth the effort?...(Probably NOT!)!

Sorry for the rhetorical questions...but I have rarely seen such basic (User) functionality for a 'paid for' extension. And yet...even though you have a 'buggy' extension, you decide to work 9-5!!!! I don't begrudge anyone having time off, but if you are going to sell a product which doesn't work out of the box and you are going to offer only the most basic instructions...then you should be checking in a little more often...because your customers don't like to be kept waiting simply because you don't care.

Am I angry? Yes I am! This forum offers no answers, your instructions are useless and for the time being...I have to wait for YOUR convenience before this extension can be fixed.

Please sort yourselves out...and while you are about it, please respond to my support ticket and resolve this fault.

I should have known better that buying a Joomla extension that had no feedback...well it will have soon...but first I will give you the opportunity to fix this quickly! And when you have...why not tell people HOW to fix it themselves and post it here...that way we don't have to sit twiddling our thumbs, waiting for you to finish your weekend jaunt!

Last Edit: 11 years, 7 months ago by huggies. Reason: Typo

Re: folder doesen´t exist 11 years, 7 months ago #10295

  • SA Thuy
Dear Leigh Hughes,

Could you please send your account (ftp+admin) to us? We will check directly on your site.

For the security reason, please enter your site account in
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From Staff + Mod/Admin?

when you reply this answer.


Re: folder doesen´t exist 11 years, 7 months ago #10296

  • huggies
  • Single Product
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 1
  • Karma: 0
This has been sent to "thangnm" under a Support Ticket

Re: folder doesen´t exist 11 years, 7 months ago #10307

  • loitt
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 2222
  • Karma: 48
We are checking your issue now.

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